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Frank's Book Log

Literature is a relative term.

  1. 09 Dec 2023
    2020 | Nonfiction

    Fast Forward

    by Stephen Morris

    A-: 5 stars (out of 5)

    Every bit as entertaining as his first volume, drummer Stephen Morris’s second volume of memoirs picks up where Record Play Pause ended, chronicling New Order’s rise to super-stardom and the tensions that tore it apart. Continue reading...

  2. 30 Jun 2024
    2023 | Novel


    by Philip Fracassi

    B+: 4 stars (out of 5)

    “It’s like Christine… but wood!”

    So remarks a character in Philip Fracassi’s meta horror novel about a haunted desk. And while the statement is true per se, it doesn’t do justice to Fracassi’s work, which proves far leaner and meaner than King’s. Continue reading...

  3. 11 Nov 2023
    2019 | Nonfiction

    Record Play Pause

    by Stephen Morris

    A: 5 stars (out of 5)

    Warm, witty, self-deprecating and self-aware, drummer Stephen Morris’s first volume of memoirs chronicles his formative years in the Manchester suburb of Macclesfield through joining Joy Division, its end, and the early days of New Order. Continue reading...

  4. 06 Nov 2023

    Tom Holland, director and screenwriter of the original Fright Night film, partners with A. Jack Ulrich to craft an expanded novelization of the film, proffering more backstory and setting up an expanded universe and sequel. Continue reading...

  5. 29 Oct 2023

    Don’t Let Them Get You Down follows Peter, a copywriter for a medical website, struggling to hold his life together while battling a spiraling depression triggered by his wife’s cancer death two years prior. Continue reading...

  6. 22 Oct 2023
    2023 | Nonfiction

    The Creative Act

    by Rick Rubin

    C+: 3 stars (out of 5)

    Rick Rubin, the famed music producer of such disparate acts as the Beastie Boys, Slayer, Tom Petty, and Johnny Cash, proffers a meditation on creativity. Continue reading...

  7. 09 Oct 2023
    2017 | Novella


    by Philip Fracassi

    B: 4 stars (out of 5)

    To celebrate Jim’s older brother Jack’s release following a six-year prison stint, the brothers, their father Henry, and Jack’s hulking best friend Chris, charter a fishing boat in the Pacific. The choppy seas don’t bode well for an outing, but the group presses ahead, and their grizzled captain takes them a few miles offshore to a deep spot good for fishing. But the men soon realize they’re under threat by an unknown, overwhelming assailant—and how alone they are at sea. Continue reading...

  8. 29 Jan 2023
    1991 | Novel

    The Cipher

    by Kathe Koja

    B: 4 stars (out of 5)

    How to describe The Cipher? The plot concerns Nicholas, an aimless twenty-something drifting through life, who discovers a mysterious hole inside a disused storage room in his derelict apartment building. Weird things ensue. Continue reading...

  9. 21 Jan 2023
    1974 | Short Story

    Roadside Pickup

    by Richard Laymon

    C-: 3 stars (out of 5)

    Early morning darkness. Colleen sits stranded in her car. Three hours have produced three cars. None have stopped. But the fourth does. A young man with fashionable clothes and booze on his breath. Won’t she let him give her a ride?

    Laymon’s second published story proffers a predictable twist, but at under two thousand words, it doesn’t drag.

  10. 21 Jan 2023

    During a late-night make-out session with his girlfriend, high-schooler Charlie Brewster spies two men carrying a coffin into the basement of the house next-door. Charlie soon discovers his suave new neighbor, Jerry Dandrige, has fangs. When the police don’t believe him, Charlie appeals to the local creature-feature host, washed up horror icon Peter Vincent, for help. Continue reading...


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